
Saturday, April 02, 2022

Stay Curious

Hi everyone.  Another adorable image from Anita Jeram (Colorado Craft Company).  This image reminded me of Jessie, so I HAD to buy it! :)  I can just see her with her head stuck in a pot, trying to find something yummy to snack on. :)

I kept this very CAS so that the image was the star.  Watercoloured with distress inks, I finished the design by softly sponging clouds in the sky using a stencil.

Close-up ...
Because this is the first outing for the stamp, I'm adding this card to the NBUS Challenge #37 (never-before-used-schtuff).  I have a LOT of NBUS, so try to join in the challenge at least once a month.  At this rate, it will take me about 20 years to get through my current NBUS pile. :)

And, I'm sending this card over to CAS on Friday Challenge #228 - Stencil.

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Stamps:  Stay Curious (Colorado Craft Company)
Paper:   White card stock (Neenah 110 lb.); Mixed Media paper (Strathmore 140 lb.)
Ink:   Black (Memento); Distress Inks:  Mowed Lawn, Rustic Wilderness, Brushed Corduroy, Gathered Twigs, Rusty Hinge, Tumbled Glass (Tim Holtz)
Accessories:   Clear embossing powder (Ranger), heat tool, paint brushes, sponge, Rolling Clouds stencil (MFT)

NBUS Challenge #37


  1. Loll,
    Everything about this creation is wonderful!!! Beautiful coloring of doggie image, lovely CAS design and layout, and my favorite touch of all is the delicate stenciled cloud. Absolutely delightful! Thanks for the inspiration.
    Susy (Boss on SCS)

  2. This one gave me a chuckle, Loll.

  3. What a fun image of the pup in the pot! - wonderfully colored and lovely soft white clouds in your sky!

  4. Yes, that definitely reminds me of Jessie - adorable image! And you coloured it beautifully. Great addition of the clouds.

  5. This Anita Jeram image is so cute and coloured beautifully Loll, and I love the softly stencilled sky..a really beautiful card. x

  6. Oh, gosh, this is cute! I'm sure I probably need it, ha! If only I could ever clear out my NBUS baskets... You did such a fabulous job with the coloring, the clouds, the whole CAS perfection of it!

  7. What a sweet pup, and yes oh so curious! Sweetly colored, and beautiful sponging

  8. A super fun stamp, beautifully coloured - love it!

  9. This image made me smile, reminds me of what Max would do too.HE'll do almost anything to get to food! :)

  10. Thank you for the smile your beautiful card gave me Loll - it's gorgeous. Love the subtle clouds you have stencilled in the background

  11. Adorable card! I love the fun scene you've created!

  12. Your NBUS pile sounds like mine, Lolly! This is so Jessie! Beautifully colored and just the right amount of stenciled clouds to enhance the image! Such a fun card, my friend!

  13. When I saw this adorable card, Lolly, and before I read your text, I thought, "Aw, that looks just like Jessie!" Your watercoloring is brilliant! Thank you for inspiring everyone at NBUS! Love, Dolly

  14. Oh Loll...this card totally made me laugh as it's just so perfect for all us dog lovers out there!! My Daisy would definitely have her head stuck in the pot too! Your CAS design is just perfect for this image too and just beautifully colored also! Hugs. :0)

  15. This is so cute and so true. Got to see what's inside!

  16. curious, fun and beautifully watercolored puppy in a pot image, Lolly:-) I thought of Jessie as soon as I opened up your post:-) Loved your softly stenciled clouds too. TFS Love and Hugs..Nancy

  17. Wow, that's a big pile of NBUS, but I know we are all the same. Lots of supplies and not enough time to use them all. Love your little dog stuck in the pot and a great sentiment to go with it. A perfect little CAS card xx

  18. This is just so cute! Beautifully CAS too xx

  19. Loll, that image is so darn adorable, you're tempting me with the Anita Jeram image ♥

  20. Loll what a gorgeous fun card, the image is beautifully coloured and I love the soft clouds. This card so reminds me of my Frenchie Rosy every time I place a plant pot on the floor she has her head in it. Thanks for making me smile with this super card and sentiment.


  21. The image on this gorgeous card is so cute, Loll but your colouring takes it to the next level. Anita Jeram could do no better IMHO! Love the CAS composition too.
    Hope you are well,
    Carol x

  22. OMGosh, this is so cute Loll! Dogs love to be nosy, I know our "crew" has to sniff and check out everything and that means us if we went somewhere or when I get dressed! lol I hope little Jessie is doing well, she sure is a cutie pie and you just want to squeeze her! Hugs, Brenda

  23. Thanks for the smile Loll with this super cute and adorable (Jessie) card x.

  24. Aww… just too cute. Fabulous CAS design.

  25. Such a fun painting and a fantastic watercolor work, Loll. I also love beautiful blue skies, these clouds look so light

  26. Such a cute image and so true! Love the cloudy sky and how it's so CAS, Cathy x

  27. Adorable card, Loll - just love the partial clouds with that sweet pup in pot!!

  28. Beautiful card,

    Thank you for joing us at CAS on Friday!

    Greetz Ina


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)